Patient Feedback Kiosks: Improving Healthcare Experiences and Operations

Patient Feedback Kiosks: Improving Healthcare Experiences and Operations

By: Press'nXPress Team
July 19, 2023|4 min read

Patient satisfaction is critical for healthcare organizations to thrive in today's consumer-driven environment. With public ratings on sites like Google Reviews and Yelp carrying more weight, measuring and improving patient experiences is a top priority. However, traditional mail or phone surveys often fail to capture actionable insights. Patient feedback kiosks provide a powerful solution to measure and enhance patient experiences right at the point of care.

PXP offers innovative patient feedback kiosks designed for healthcare organizations. Our secure and compliant kiosks are placed in high visibility locations across a facility to capture patient perspectives following appointments, ER visits, procedures, and more. Patients are prompted to rate various aspects of their visit and provide open-ended feedback on the factors most important to them.

Real-time dashboards give administrators instant insight into satisfaction ratings, emerging issues, and which locations or departments need improvement. This enables organizations to quickly identify pain points in the patient journey and rapidly implement changes, rather than waiting weeks or months for survey results. Press'nXPress kiosks integrate seamlessly with other systems as well to trigger work orders, notify staff, and track progress on improving operational metrics.

In this blog, we explore why patient feedback kiosks are becoming a must-have technology for forward-thinking healthcare organizations seeking to:

  • Measure and improve patient satisfaction and experiences
  • Identify operational improvement opportunities
  • Build patient trust and loyalty

Why Patient Experience Matters in Healthcare

Positive patient experiences are linked to better health outcomes, higher patient volumes, and increased revenue. Here are some key reasons why patient experience is a top priority:

  • Patient Satisfaction Impacts Reimbursement Rates
  • Poor Ratings Influence Consumer Choice
  • Positive Experiences Improve Health Outcomes
  • Good Experiences Drive Loyalty and Increase Market Share

Since value-based care ties reimbursements directly to patient outcomes and satisfaction, healthcare organizations must regularly measure performance. Patient feedback provides the insights needed to pinpoint problem areas and make improvements that will increase reimbursement rates.

Key Benefits of Patient Feedback Kiosks

Patient feedback kiosks provide a superior solution for continuously gathering patient perspectives compared to traditional surveys. Benefits include:

Capturing Real-Time Feedback at the Point of Care

Patients are more likely to provide detailed, meaningful feedback while their visit experience is still top of mind. Kiosks placed at exits, lobbies, and waiting rooms make it easy to collect feedback before patients leave.

Uncovering Actionable Insights

Categorical questions reveals specific issues that may be missed in rating scales alone. This enables organizations to dig into the root causes of dissatisfaction.

Driving Rapid Service and Operations Improvements

With real-time reporting, administrators can spot emerging issues and negative trends quickly and address problems faster.

Building Patient Trust Through Transparency

Demonstrating that patient input is valued and drives meaningful change fosters greater trust and loyalty. Patients appreciate seeing their feedback visibly impact operations.

Flexible Placement and Usage

Kiosks can be placed across various outpatient and inpatient touchpoints to gather feedback where it matters most. The number of kiosks can scale to match program growth.

User-Friendly Ease of Use

Intuitive simple kiosk encourage participation from tech-savvy and non-tech-savvy patients alike. Multilingual capabilities also support diverse populations.

Press'nXPress Satisfaction Kiosk

Key Features of Our Patient Feedback Kiosks

Our healthcare-focused patient feedback kiosks include specialized features to capture actionable insights.

Customized Questions & Remote Update

Questions are fully customizable and can be modified and updated from the dashboard for automatic distribution.

Real-Time Reporting Dashboards

Administrators can access aggregated metrics and feedback through online dashboards for real-time visibility into performance and emerging trends.

Integration & Alerts

Patient feedback can be linked back to specific providers, departments, or locations to hone in on priority areas to address. Notification and alert will notify staff of negative feedback.

Staff Recognition

Positive feedback can be shared with staff to boost morale and recognize service achievements. This drives an improved culture.

Analytics & Recommendations

Artificial Intelligence helps surface key themes and if correlated with operational metrics can provide recommended actions.

Real-World Patient Kiosk Results

Healthcare organizations using our patient feedback kiosks have seen tremendous benefits including:

  • 16% increase in patient satisfaction scores over 6 months
  • 32% increase in loyalty/referral metrics over 12 months
  • 62% of issues identified resolved within 1 week of discovery

The ability to uncover specific problems through open-ended patient feedback and rapidly mobilize changes has proven very impactful which has impact on HCAHPS scores.

Why Press'nXPress for Your Patient Feedback Needs

As a leader in healthcare experience analytics, PXP empowers organizations to identify areas for improvement and confidently take action to improve care delivery. Our patient feedback platform is an innovative technology:

  • Feedback collectors for multi channel patient experience
  • Advanced natural language processing and analytics
  • Real-time performance dashboards
  • Seamless operations system integration
  • Ongoing insights consultancy and benchmarks

We make it easy to implement best-in-class systems to capture granular patient feedback across your organization. This ultimately helps improve reimbursement rates, patient loyalty, and performance outcomes through data-driven experience improvements.

To learn more about our patient feedback kiosk solutions, contact us today.

Our mission at Press'nXPress is to help our clients improve customer satisfaction by continuously monitoring experiences. You can reach out to our experts to see how PXP Feedback Solution can benefit your business today! If you have questions or would like to learn more, get in touch.

Press'nXPress TeamPress'nXPress Team

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