About Press'nXPress
About Press'nXPress Customer Feedback Platform


In today's fast-paced business landscape, collecting and analyzing customer feedback can be a daunting task for many industries. With so many channels and touchpoints for customer interactions, it's become increasingly difficult to extract valuable feedback and insights. Companies need a contextual micro-feedback solution that can capture feedback from customers in real-time, right at the moment of service. This is critical for making better strategic decisions and improving the customer experience.

A time-consuming process to collect and analyze

Companies should devote lots of time to design different types of surveys and spend hours prospecting customers and following up to collect survey results.

Non accurate and specific response

The customer responses are not accurate and specific enough or despite customers willingness, the majority of them abandon the surveys halfway through.

Lacking contextual information

The feedback responses lack the context necessary to make the analysis more meaningful and relevant.