Capturing Customer Feedback at Franchise and Restaurant Locations

Capturing Customer Feedback at Franchise and Restaurant Locations

By: Mak Vaezpour
June 30, 2022|4 min read

The customer service standards of modern business vary widely; with some organizations thriving and others struggling to retain customers. Maintaining a brand's reputation and providing consistently high-quality service is critical to a company's long-term success. Innovation, as well as tracking and improving relevant data about the customer experience, are also critical components.

Restaurants and franchise enterprises that operate from multiple locations require close monitoring and careful management to maintain a consistent level of guest satisfaction and dining experience across all their locations and sites. To succeed as a successful franchise, a company must be able to provide consistently high levels of customer service throughout all of its locations.

Modern franchises face a frequent problem when it comes to providing the same level of service at all their locations. Identifying guests' expectations and requirements and developing a distinctive customer experience plan to set the business apart from the competition may be done by utilizing industry and competitor insights and data. Brand consistency must be maintained by offering intensive training for every site and constantly improving and enhancing operations and processes to ensure consistent customer service.

Customer feedback in the restaurant is important to your bottom line

The business will make more money if the customers are happy. But how can you make sure your guests are happy? If you don't ask your customers, how will you know what they like and don't like about your service?

By asking for feedback, you show your customers that you care about what they think. However, many restaurant businesses do not have an email address or phone number for a customer to solicit feedback from them. Customers can visit your restaurant and franchise location, dine at the restaurant, place a take-out order, or leave without doing a transaction with your business.

Asking for customer feedback is essential to gauge what is working at your restaurant and what needs improving. As the franchise or restaurant owner and operator, you can ask your customers about their dining experience, if they enjoyed the meal, had a pleasant checkout experience, or were pleased with the service they received.

However, many guests would be hesitant to tell you straight up that they are dissatisfied. Furthermore, if you have many locations, you won't be able to ask in person from your customers. Then you're depending on secondhand information from store managers and employees on the guest experience and the customer satisfaction level.

“A small 5% improvement in customer retention can increase profits by as much as 95%.” -Bain & Company

Keep in mind that customers who have a positive dining experience with your brand are more likely to return. When the customers feel listened to, they begin to have a positive connection with your brand and direct their good experience back at you, which in turn could lead to more order and revenue in the future. Satisfied customers will seek out the same brand regardless of location, therefore improving the guest experience should be your first goal to improve your restaurant.

What is the best way to get feedback from customers in physical restaurant locations?

Asking customers about their experience with a customer feedback kiosk helps you collect high volume and in-the-moment results in the restaurant locations. Real-time insights and notifications enable taking improvement actions tactically and strategically.

Press'nXPress touchless customer feedback kiosk for restaurant

Getting customer feedback as they are dining in the restaurant and experiencing in-store service is invaluable, making it impossible to replicate with a survey that you send by email or share through social media.

These days collecting location-based real time customer feedback is a must. Utilizing a customer feedback kiosk is a great step to understanding customers dining experience on a location-based level. It's important to know what your customers are looking for and what you're doing well and what could be done better at a certain restaurant location. Brands should constantly improve and enhance operations and processes to ensure consistent customer service.

Long-term success can only be achieved if you measure customer satisfaction, adjust your strategy based on meaningful facts, and immediately implement changes to improve customer satisfaction. Monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) and collecting customer feedback continuously at customer interaction points will help you determine the impact of changes. Customers will flock to your multi-location restaurant business and franchise if you improve customer service across the board. This will allow each restaurant site to thrive in its local market.

Our mission at Press'nXPress is to help our clients improve customer satisfaction by continuously monitoring customer experience. You can reach out to our experts to see how PXP Restaurant Feedback Solution can benefit your business today! If you have questions or would like to learn more, get in touch. Reach out and talk to us.

Mak VaezpourMak Vaezpour

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